Ecological Footprint 2020 - Europe Go Green! EFP2020
Project Summary 2017-2019
What does Europe’s future look like? What are the prevailing problems in present and future Europe? Lately, the issue of climate change has been on everyone's lips.
What do people think about their future? Are there small-scale solutions for large-scale problems? How can every country, every school or every European contribute to environmental sustainability?
The ERASMUS+ project “Ecological Footprint 2020 – EFP2020” aims to develop approaches to address such questions.
The partner schools are:
1.: Zespol Szkol nr 2 - Gimnazjum nr 2, Reda (PL)
2.: Goethe-Gymnasium Burgas (BG)
3.: Europaschule Humboldt-Gymnasium Gifhorn (D)
One of the most important elements of the project is to strengthen the environmental awareness of all pupils, instructors, parents and all others involved. The project includes the examination of regional aspects by the partner schools (e.g. infrastructure of energy networks in Germany, rail infrastructure in Poland, tourist infrastructure in Bulgaria) but also international research priorities (e.g. European energy networks jobs in the “Industrial Ecology and New Technologies”, water and air pollution in Europe).
During the first year of the project, we will concentrate on the theoretical background of environmentally friendly action. The implementation of environmentally friendly behaviors and attitudes will be the focus at the end of the first year and the beginning of the second year – thus, a continuation of the development of individual “small-scale solutions”, but also of European “large-scale solutions”. In the second year we will discuss use and benefit and continue to implement the first year’s solutions, possible alternatives and new approaches. By concentrating on regional distinctions, the project supports the knowledge and acceptance of other nations and thus fosters the European dream of successful integration.
At first, pupils will investigate environmental problems in school and at home, to which they will respond with possible solutions. Afterwards, their solutions will be implemented in practice. Environmental protection in practice is the aim, which includes brainstorming ways to reduce the ecological footprint of students, teachers and perhaps even the school itself.
In addition to the focus on environmental protection, the project also includes an important methodological focus on new media in the classroom (school development and improvement of teachers' professionalism). Teachers will work together to prepare a paper on the topic “Improving the Use of New Media in Schools”. In particular the use of smartboards and visual presenters in the classroom will be considered. Regarding future-oriented education of new and experienced teachers, the equipment of an entire school or individual departments (e.g. in Environmental Education, Geography, Biology, languages etc.) needs to be up-to-date in order to be effective. The improvement of the professional application of new media can transform the school’s conventional image into one of innovation.
A common approach will be developed at the first teachers' meeting and evaluated in the course of the project. Our work on this subject matter will be concluded at the end of the second year; all partner schools will receive a copy of the paper in English and in their native language. The final step will be a multiplying meeting. At this meeting, teachers as well as students will discuss the achieved results of the last two years and summarize them in another paper. The result of the planned output is to produce a set of general guidelines for using new media in the classroom, which will be made available in all the languages of the project members.
Furthermore, the project will contribute to the development of European integration. Environmental aspects are examined not only within the internal schools, regions and countries, but are also exchanged with all partner schools involved. A knowledge of developments, concerns and needs in other European countries is needed to strengthen the understanding and cooperation among all partners. English has been chosen as the working language.
Daniel Ringkowski